In a groundbreaking achievement for K-pop, TWICE’s first subunit, MISAMO, has successfully completed their inaugural dome tour in Japan, drawing an impressive 250,000 fans and setting a record for the fastest entry of a female artist into the Tokyo Dome.
MISAMO Makes History with Tokyo Dome Performance
TWICE’s subunit MISAMO, consisting of Mina, Sana, and Momo, has officially wrapped up their first-ever dome tour, “MISAMO JAPAN DOME TOUR 2024 ‘HAUTE COUTURE’.” The group performed at the iconic Tokyo Dome on January 15-16, 2025, marking a significant milestone as they became the fastest female artists to enter the venue. Following successful concerts in Saitama and Osaka, the Tokyo Dome show attracted a staggering 250,000 fans, showcasing their immense popularity and talent.
Details of MISAMO’s Record-Breaking Tour
During their Tokyo Dome concert, MISAMO opened with their debut track “Do not touch” and captivated the audience with performances from their mini-album “HAUTE COUTURE.” The title track “Identity” and a cover of Namie Amuro’s “NEW LOOK” had fans singing along, while the new song “Catch My Eye” debuted to thunderous applause. The members expressed their gratitude, stating, “We never imagined we would perform on this stage as MISAMO. Thanks to our ONCE fans, this experience will remain a cherished memory.”
Fan Reactions and Industry Impact
The success of MISAMO’s Tokyo Dome tour has sparked excitement among fans and industry experts alike. Many fans took to social media to express their pride and joy, celebrating the trio’s achievements and the impact they have made in a short period. This historic performance not only elevates MISAMO’s status but also sets a new benchmark for K-pop artists aiming for dome tours in Japan. What are your thoughts on MISAMO’s incredible journey? Share your comments below!
hashtags:#MISAMO #TWICE #Kpop #TokyoDome #DomeTour #KpopNews #JYPEntertainment
artist:미사모 MISAMO
work: 미사모 일본 돔 투어 2024 “오트 쿠뛰르” MISAMO JAPAN DOME TOUR 2024 “HAUTE COUTURE”