Exciting news for animation fans as ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ dominates the box office amidst the upcoming release of ‘Crime City 4’.
‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ Tops Box Office
Last weekend, ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ secured the top spot at the box office with a significant audience turnout despite a drop in numbers, maintaining its position due to lack of competition.
‘Crime City 4’ Set to Challenge
With the release of ‘Crime City 4’ scheduled for the 24th, expectations are high that the film starring Ma Dong-seok will pose a challenge to ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ for the box office throne.
‘Paw Patrol’ Continues Success
Even after reaching the coveted ’10 million viewers’ milestone, ‘Paw Patrol’ remains strong at the box office, securing the second spot last weekend.
hashtags:#EntertainmentNews #KungFuPanda4 #CrimeCity4 #BoxOffice
artist:마동석 Ma Dong-seok
work: 범죄도시 4 Crime City 4